
Problem Solving Approach

laughcryrepeat 2020. 12. 8. 23:23


Problem Solving Patterns

A presentation created with Slides.

Basic approaches, Steps you can take to make it solvable

  • define what an algorithm is
  • devise a plan to solve algorithms
  • compare and contrast problem solving

Algorithm - A process or set of steps to accomplish a certain task.


How to improve the skill?

  1. Devise a plan for solving Problem
    how do you approach the problem strategies for breaking it down
  2. Master common patterns
    identify categories, keep some recipes

Problem Solving

  • Understand the Problem
  • Explore Concrete Examles
  • Break It Down
  • Solve/Simplify
  • Look Back and Refactor

Recommended Book How To Solve it by George Polya

Understanding the Problem


It is important to take a step back and just make sure understand the task before typing the code.


- Restate the problem in my own words

make sure I can restate it back. change it a bit in my own words.


- What are the inputs?


- What are the outputs?


- Can the outputs be determinded from the inputs? enough information to solve the problem?


- How should I label the important pieces of data that are part of the problem?

what are the things are really matter the problem? what's the terminology I should use?


Explore Examples


come up with examples can help understanding the problem better

User Stories , Unit Test


  • Start with Simple Examples 
  • Progress to More Complex Examples
  • Explore Examples with Empty Inputs
  • Explore Examples with Invaild Inputs

Break It Down


take the actual steps of the problem and write them down

just basic component of the solution, little comment as a guide for the steps


Solve / Simplify


  • Find the core difficulty in what I am trying to do
  • Temporarily ignore that difficulty
  • Write a simplified solution
  • Then incorporate that difficulty back in

Look Back and Refactoring


  • Can you check the result?
    make sure the code works
  • Can you derive the result differently?
    different approaches
  • Can yoyu understand it at a glance?
  • Can you use the result or method for some other problem?
  • Can you improve the performance of your solutoin?
  • Can you think of other ways to refactor?
  • How have other people solved theis problem?